Record Requests
©Photo by Sylvia Hetzel
Record Types
Many record types are used in genealogy research. In Italy, the most commonly used resources are found in churches and town halls.
Church records provide invaluable information from the mid 1500s (the Council of Trent) until the late 1800s (the Unification of Italy).
From 1871 to the present, biographical information is mostly obtainable from the civil records offices of the ancestor's town of birth.
Military records can be useful for obtaining biographical data for Italian males born after 1855 when only the province and approximate year of birth are known. These records only apply to men, as women have never been subject to mandatory military service in Italy.
Civil Registration
Family status
Parish Documents
Church census reports
Discharge papers
A repository is where records are kept. For ecclesiastical records, this is typically in the records office of the local parish or in a central diocesan archive. Civil records are kept with the town hall and copies are sent to the state archives after a determined number of years.
For remote access to digital records, the most comprehensive databases for Italian records are provided through Ancestry. com, FamilySearch.org, and Italy's Antenati website.
Unfortunately, a relatively small number of civil records is digitally available for towns in central and northern Italy.
Local municipalities
State archives
Parish archives
Diocesan archives
The Italian Genealogist is based in Florence, in the Italian region of Tuscany. Its central location provides easy access to most cities, towns, and villages in central Italy (the regions of Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, and Le Marche).
When records cannot be obtained online or by written request, it is often necessary to travel to one or more repositories outside of Florence to conduct research onsite.
Onsite research can yield exciting results in terms of the types of records available and by gaining access to the historical context of the place itself.
Geographic Locations​​
Le Marche
Time Periods
17th century
18th century
19th century
20th century
English - mother tongue
Italian - second language